It was always hard for me to cook a big piece of meat in the stove or on the grill. I knew if I let it cook for hours in the crock pot it would be done and tender but I was always afraid of under cooking the meat in the oven and making everyone sick or overcooking and ruining the meat. I am married to a PMT and part of his job in the Navy is a health inspector so the last thing I wanted to do was send him to the ER with food poising because I served him undercooked pork!
I bought a cheap meat thermometer years ago and it did what it was suppose to do. But this Christmas I asked "Santa" for a digital probe thermometer and I GOT IT!!! WOOHOO I have been trying to break myself of the crock pot habit when it comes to meat, it is a great thing but I wanted to teach myself to be confident in working with meat in the oven.
So when I saw this bone in pork roast at the store the other day I grabbed it up... I didn't know what to do with it so I did a little research and here is what I came up with. (Partially thanks to Martha Stewart)
1 pork roast I am sure you could do this without the bone in but it may change the cooking time (even more important to get a thermometer)
5-6 large cloves of garlic
about a teaspoonish to a tablespoon of
a big pinch of salt
about 20 grinds of pepper
olive oil (about 1/4 cup)
Heat your oven to 450 Yes you read that right it is 450 this cooks in about an hour /hour and a half so you need your heat high.
Put all of your spices and garlic into a mortar and pestle and...
get all of your frustration out while making a paste of sorts. You can do this in the food processor as well but I love my mortar so I used it.
Take a paring knife and make a bunch of slits in the meat you want the slit big enough to stick your finger in because you want to get the herb paste deep inside the meat this will make it taste better and is pretty darn impressive at the end of the day.

Add the oil to the garlic/herb paste and rub all over the meat and make sure you get some pushed way down in the holes...

Put in a roasting pan with rack, if you don't have a rack to put it on it should be fine. The underside may get a little darker than you want it so watch out for that. A cheap cooling rack set over a pan should work for you too.
Roast it for about an hour you want the internal temp to be about 135-140 you will see in the pic I had mine set too high luckily I did a little more research before I actually cooked it and turned it into pork jerky.
And before you know it you have a very tasty and quite impressive pork roast. Now doesn't that look pretty enough to eat?!?
You can see in the picture below how pretty the herbs are going through your meat thanks to your magic fingers.

I bought a cheap meat thermometer years ago and it did what it was suppose to do. But this Christmas I asked "Santa" for a digital probe thermometer and I GOT IT!!! WOOHOO I have been trying to break myself of the crock pot habit when it comes to meat, it is a great thing but I wanted to teach myself to be confident in working with meat in the oven.
So when I saw this bone in pork roast at the store the other day I grabbed it up... I didn't know what to do with it so I did a little research and here is what I came up with. (Partially thanks to Martha Stewart)
1 pork roast I am sure you could do this without the bone in but it may change the cooking time (even more important to get a thermometer)
5-6 large cloves of garlic
about a teaspoonish to a tablespoon of
a big pinch of salt
about 20 grinds of pepper
olive oil (about 1/4 cup)
Heat your oven to 450 Yes you read that right it is 450 this cooks in about an hour /hour and a half so you need your heat high.
Put all of your spices and garlic into a mortar and pestle and...
Add the oil to the garlic/herb paste and rub all over the meat and make sure you get some pushed way down in the holes...
Put in a roasting pan with rack, if you don't have a rack to put it on it should be fine. The underside may get a little darker than you want it so watch out for that. A cheap cooling rack set over a pan should work for you too.
Roast it for about an hour you want the internal temp to be about 135-140 you will see in the pic I had mine set too high luckily I did a little more research before I actually cooked it and turned it into pork jerky.